The head center of the soldering iron head is provided with a centering pin positioned at the center point of the circular ring circle and rising a little altitude than the circular ring plane. 在所述烙铁头的头部中心有一定心针,该定心针位于圆环的圆心处,高度略微高出圆环平面。
The introduction concerns the modification of the outlet-table centering roll assembly of the Φ 114mm 2-high rotary piercer located at Yantai Steel Tube Plant, Shangdong, involving such aspects as roll arrangement, roll pin structure, pneuma-cylinder stroke-setting mechanism and structure of the dual-stroke pneuma-cylinder system. 介绍了山东烟台钢管总厂Φ114mm。二辊斜轧穿孔机后台定心辊的布置、定心辊的结构及其气缸行程调节结构和双行程气缸结构等的改进情况。